Any mystery out there: official certificates about Madonna’s origins are unveiled

Gaetano Ciccone, the popstar’s grandfather, was born in Pacentro in 1901. His parents were Nicola Pietro Ciccone and Maria Anna Mancini (both were born in Pacentro as well). Among them, the first one who decided to emigrate to Aliquippa (Pennsylvania) was Gaetano Ciccone in 1920, then his wife in 1922 and, in the end, his parents in 1930.

In 1930 Nicola Pietro Ciccone was 63 (he was born in 1867, then), whereas his wife Maria Anna Mancini was 54 (she was born in 1876, then).

Let me clarify here that some of the certificates stored in Pacentro’s town hall show Nicola Pietro Ciccone as “Pietro Ciccone”, with one of his names only [1] [2] [3] [4].

Therefore, there is not any mystery about Madonna’s origins, both her grand-father and great grand-father were born in Pacentro, Abruzzo.

Keeping on assuming that Nicola Giuseppe Ciccone, who was born in Noto in 1882, was Gaetano’s father will not be supported by any official certificate. This is further explained by the fact that there is not any sign of him, except for his date of birth, in Noto’s town hall archives.

Actually, Nicola left Noto to New York in 1911 and, what is more, he was single when he left [5].

For further details, read my research of August 24th 2022 and the following clarifications of September 1st 2022.

[1] Ciccone Gaetano: List or Manifest of alien passengers for the U.S. immigration officer at port arrival of New York – Passengers: list 9 – Passengers sailing from Naples Apr 19, 1920 – Arriving at Port of New York May 3, 1920

[2] Di Julio Michelina: List or Manifest of alien passengers for the U.S. immigration officer at port arrival of New York – Passengers: list 25 – Passengers sailing from Naples June 18, 1922 – Arriving at Port of New York July 1, 1922

[3] Ciccone Nicola Pietro e Mancini Maria Anna: List or Manifest of alien passengers for the U.S. immigration officer at port arrival of New York – Passengers: list 26 and 27 – Passengers sailing from Naples November 8, 1930 – Arriving at Port of New York November 18, 1930


[5] Ciccone Nicola: List or Manifest of alien passengers for the U.S. immigration officer at port arrival of New York – Passengers: list 12 – Passengers sailing from Palermo Apr 7, 1911 – Arriving at Port of New York Apr 22, 1911

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